I spent about ten minutes trying to think of a fun and clever post title about how I haven't updated since March...and then I just gave up.
So, first with the news. My ebook, Amemus, is up and rearing at Less Than Three Press. So if you have an interest in ancient Roman gay gladiators (which, seriously, who doesn't?) go and have at that!
Also, I now judge my books on Goodreads on whether or not the rating is higher than Star Trek: The Motion Picture novelization by Gene Roddenberry (3.6 or so). Which either shows that I'm one of those people whose standards are really quite mediocre, or my standards are actually quite awesome (in that totally nerdy you-have-no-idea-I-have-a-Star-Trek-shrine way).
I've also been in Tokyo, Japan for the past seven weeks, mostly visiting my sister and teaching English. For people who have never been, it's a country in which getting drunk in public is pretty standard Friday and Saturday nights (and then, by extension, sleeping in the bushes outside the train station at 3 am) and there are these ball machines that give you anime key/phone charms for about 2$ each and are seriously the most addictive thing in this world. Like, deadly addictive. I also could eat my weight in raw tuna.
They also put potato and mayo on their pizza.
Ahhh, good to be home!
I have some projects to complete in the next month or so and hopefully I'll be more on top of my updating. Hooray!