A little over a year ago, I graduated from college with a degree in creative writing. It took me until this January for me to decide it was time for me to try and do something with my degree and my passion for writing. But while college gave me excellent workshops and helped hone my writing abilities, they really don’t teach you stuff that you need to know about getting published. Like, what is a query letter, a simultaneous submission, and unsolicited manuscripts? What should I look for in a publisher? What kind of publishers are there? How do I recognize one that will fit for me? What kind of stuff should I try to get published first? Do I need an agent? Do I need an agent now? And a whole lot more.
What I’m going to try to describe in this blog and continuing for as long as it takes me to feel like a ‘professional author’ is how I have approached trying to get published, whether successful or not. This is not going to be a ‘how to’ guide. More like a journal of what I’m trying and my conclusions on my methods.
For anyone reading this who is a published author or attempting to become one, I would love to hear from you! Especially if your experience is different from mine, if you have any advice, or any questions!
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