Thursday, October 17, 2013

Window Hoarding

Here are my projects of the moment

Major revisions for Crimson Romance, including expanding my short story His Hawaiian Christmas from around 10,000 words to over 12,000. Which doesn’t include deleting, reordering, and generally polishing.
Trying to finish my submission for Less Than Three Press, Won’t Back Down Anthology. I have a little over 6,000 words and it will probably be 15,000+ by the 30th.
Prepping for NaNoWriMo.
Beginning communications with Bottom Drawer Press.
Generally exploding.

So I’m going to cool off by telling you just how many windows are open on my computer.
This idea is brought to you by Me Trying to Get to My Desktop So I Could Find Some File There But Then Found a Million Windows Open and It Took Ten Minutes.
They are as follows:

Six Scrivener projects open:
1. My personal journal.
2. My Harry Potter fanfiction. Including the mastercopy of Unsaid, Still Life, and the notes and incomplete first draft of Resilience, the sequel to Still Life.
3. Less Than Three. Which means everything I’ve written for Less Than Three, my notes, some open submission prompts, and my current gladiator project.
4. This blog.
5. Crimson Romance. Same idea as any other of my publisher scrivener projects. See number 3.
6. NaNo2013. Besides for my notes and ideas, it also includes the prompts from Entangled Publishing, both their imprints Brazen and Covet.

11 Chrome windows
Ten of them are Star Trek fanfiction. Though one is website of Star Trek podcasts. Which is basically just fanfiction in the end.
One is my gmail (which is always open to one of my three addresses)

Two MicrosoftWord files
1. His Hawaiian Christmas, full of my editors comments and my current revisions.
2. Freshman Fever, my accepted submission to Bottom Drawer Press. Since the editing process hasn’t started yet, I am re-familiarizing myself with the story.

Playlist - Inspirational Easy Listening. Which is mostly just Jim Brickman, Yann Tiersen, Miyasaki soundtracks. Pixar Sountracks. And generally calming noise.

In which my brother is the only one online because he is a slacker at work.

Downloaded file of a Star Trek Podcast reading of You’ll Get There in the End (It Just Takes A While) by Seperis.

You get to my background of Spock stroking a kitty (see image 1)

This be my life.

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